
  • Photo by L.F.H.

    Photo by L.F.H.

    Elmer Halker with grand kids and some nice fish...

  • Photo by L.F.H.

    Photo by L.F.H.

    B-man with his first Ohio bow kill...

  • Photo by L.F.H.

    Photo by L.F.H.

    Elmer Halker after a nice duck hunt...

  • Photo by L.F.H.

    Photo by L.F.H.

    Elmer Halker with his big fish...

  • Photo by L.F.H.

    Photo by L.F.H.

    Ryan and Emily Annesser with the pheasants they harvested at Tri-County outfitters...

  • Photo by L.F.H.

    Photo by L.F.H.

    John Quinn with his nice antelope...

  • Photo by L.F.H.

    Photo by L.F.H.

    Kelly Recker with a nice mule deer...