2024 Election of Officers Summary
President – Rodney Diemer
Vice-President – Brian “Whitey” Langhals
Secretary – Lois Spangler
Treasurer – Kurt Utrup
2024 Trustees
Ed Schmitz, Dale “Rosey” Rosengarten,
Ed Ritter, Ralph Langhals,
Troy Goecke, Dennis Schmitz,
Don Hoyt, Lenne Heffner
2024 Committeemen
Alt.Martin Langhals, Mark Spangler, Doc Eickholt, Josh Palte, Justin Palte, Mike Palte, Brian Kleman, Julie Brown, C.J. Schmitz, Mike Meyer, Cory Warnecke, Ken Kottenbrock, Stan Oren, Nick Langhals, Joe Rayle, Trevor Utrup, Ralph Quinn, Paul Belkowski
2024 Club Events
- Club meeting first Tuesday of each month – meeting at 7:30 p.m.
- Mad Saturday after monthly meeting – starting at 6:30 p.m. Drawing 9:00 p.m.
- 3-D Bowshoots - Third Sunday of the month March through September, registration 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Kids 17 and under shoot FREE. For info contact: Josh Plate 419-969-4805 or John Quinn 419-890-6983
- Trapshoots – Fourth Sunday of the month all year. Practice at 11:00 a.m. Program at 12:00 p.m.
- Trustees Meeting - Wednesday prior to the monthly meeting, starting at 7:30 p.m.
- Spring Banquet – April 13th. Must have ticket to attend event.
- Annual Kids Fishing Derby and FUN DAY - June 15th (Fun, Food, and Games for kids 14 & under) 10:00 to 11:30 Derby
- R100 3D Archery Shoot – June 21st through June 23rd. Pre-register on the R100 website or register the day of starting Friday at 12pm until dusk, Saturday starting at 7am until dusk, Sunday starting at 7am until 2pm.
- Sportsmen Spectacular - September 21st, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Club Information
Grounds Closed – access to the Rifle Range and Ponds will be closed during the following events, Trapshoots (8am until 5pm), Bowshoots (from 8am until 5pm), Kids Fishing Derby (10am until 3pm), R100 (all hours for all three days & also closed during event set up. Signs will be posted at gate), Sportsmen Spectacular (closed all day), Cub Scout Camp July 11th thru 13th.
Tickets for the Sportsmen Spectacular are now available. Tickets are also available for purchase on the club website, payable by credit card. Grand prize will be a 2024 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. See details posted on the website.
R100 Shoot – Leipsic Fishing & Hunting will again be hosting the R100 Archery Shoot after great success last year. See website for additional details. Save money by pre-registering on-line on the R100 website ( www.r100.org ). Access to the rifle range & ponds will be closed for this event.
Sign up for receiving text to your mobile device – new this year, a program is being setup to allow members to receive club notifications by text on their mobile device. Be sure to sign up when you receive a text. This program will be replacing the postcard reminders for workers and dues. Due to increasing cost, these reminders will no longer be U.S. mailed.
Dues are due the beginning of each year, add $10 late fee if paid after February 28th – You can start paying next year’s dues in October each year. Your dues must be paid by Feb. 28th to keep your membership in good standing and to gain access to grounds.
EVERYONE MUST BE A PAID MEMBER TO BE ON CLUB PROPERTY. Due to the liability insurance, everyone on the club grounds must be an individual member. Family memberships are not available. Membership cards are not transferrable!
Club ground rules are posted on the grounds. Failure to follow club rules & rifle range rules will result in termination of membership.
Rifle Range usage - shoot only at target areas. Do NOT shoot the concrete around bunkers or other non-target areas.